Zhengye Technology Young Manager Graduation Programme
来源:Zhengye Technology时间:2019/1/5 20:24:20
This afternoon, we struggled for the dream and lived up to the party. The graduation ceremony of the training course for the young cadres of the fourth phase of Zhengye Technology was held at the headquarters of Songshan Lake Group.

The four young cadres of Hongyi plan have been systematically trained and practically drilled for more than four months, and have been greatly improved in many aspects such as thinking, vision, management, speech and teamwork.

▲ ceremony site

Fan Bin, vice president of Zhengye Technology Group, Lei Zhuolin, director of the president's office, and many other in-house lecturers attended the closing ceremony to witness the growth and transformation of the young cadres of Zhengye Technology.

During the graduation ceremony, the students broadcasted elaborate videos to review the wonderful moments of the training; on the stage, they showed talent performances, which were “Sunshine After the Storm”, “Wulin Wind Dance” and “Grateful Heart”. Sign language dance, "Zheng Zhengye" recitation and "antisense" sitcom.

Talent show

In addition, the participants conducted reporting work. First, the virtual company was used as a unit to report the results of the team project; second, report the individual's growth and gains. The teachers gave guidance and comments on the performance of the students.

Good teacher review

In this issue, Hongjun plans to select outstanding students and teams from the training performance, graduation thesis, personal report and team report. After fierce competition, Li Bin stood out and won the title of “Excellent Student”. Among the five teams, Zhichuang Technology team had the highest average score and won the title of “Excellent Team”.

▲Li Bin won the title of “Excellent Student”

▲ Zhichuang Technology Team won the title of “Excellent Team”

Li Hongzhi's ambition, the exhibition of the wings of the Peng Peng, the talent of Cheng Dongliang, the dream of Yuanzheng Technology “100 years of enterprise, 100 billion market value”, the company will become the leading domestic and world-class photoelectric inspection automation solution provider.

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